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- 发布时间
- 2018/6/25
China Customs has released Order No.56 to adjust inbound and outbound manifest rule which is to take effect on 1th June, 2018.Some adjustments are made on the outbound pre-manifest Such as The complete and accurate cargo information must be submitted to China Customs electronically 24 hours prior to loading on board vessel sailing to/via/out of Chinese ports. Shipper's TAX ID, shipper's contact number, consignee's company name as main data in the pre-manifest are adjusted to be mandatory fields.

China Customs has released Order No.56 to adjustinbound and outbound manifest rule which is to take effect on 1th June, 2018.
Some adjustments are made on the outboundpre-manifest, for example:
1. The complete and accurate cargo information mustbe submitted to China Customs electronically24 hours prior to loading on boardvessel sailing to/via/out of Chinese ports.
2. Shipper’s TAX ID, shipper’s contact number, consignee’scompany name as main data in the pre-manifest are adjusted to be mandatoryfields.
3. All commodities under bills of lading must bedeclared in the manifest completely and accurately. China Customs willimplement Negative List Management on the declared commodities. Anyin-conformity to Customs regulation will be rejected.
Many shipping companies have issued relatedannouncements as well. And customers are required to provide accurate andcomplete shipping instructions before the documentation cut-off time aspublished on shipping companies’ websites.
What changes will this adjustment bring about?
As for cargo imported into mainland China ortransited through mainland China, the complete and accurate manifest data ofthe cargo must be sent to China Customs via electronic data 24 hours beforeshipment, June 1st, 2018.
对进口至中国大陆或经中国大陆港口中转的货物而言,如装载船舶的预计离港日期为2018年6月1日及之后,货物的完整、准确的舱单数据必须在装船前24 小时前通过电子数据发送给中国海关。
What’s the meaning of complete and accurate manifestdata?
The names of all cargos under the bill of ladingshall be clearly and completely declared on the manifest, and the data itemsfor the adjustment of the new manifest include:
1. USCC of the consignor
发货人代码 (为必填项)
2. Phone number of consignor
3. Enterprise Code of the shipper
发货人的AEO 企业编码(为选填项)
4. Name of the consignee (or write down “To ORDER“in specific situation)
收货人名称(为必填项,请填写实际收货人名称;如果收货人为凭指令确定收货人即TO ORDER,这里必须填写“TOORDER”)
5. USCC of the consignee (If the consignee is “ToORDER”, then USCC is not required)
收货人代码(仅在有实际收货人时填写;当收货人为TO ORDER,这里无需填写信息)
6. Phone number of consignee(If the consignee is“To ORDER”, then contact information is not required)
收货人的电话号码(仅在有实际收货人时填写;当收货人为TO ORDER,这里无需填写信息)
7. Name of the consignor (or write down “TOORDER”in specific situation)
收货人的具体联络人姓名(仅在有实际收货人时填写;当收货人为TO ORDER,这里无需填写信息)
8. Enterprise Code of the consignee
收货人的 AEO 企业编码(选填项,有实际收货人时可填写)
9. USCC of the notify party is needed if theconsignee is “TO ORDER”.
通知方的代码 ( 当收货人为 TO ORDER,此项为必填)
10. Phone number of the notify party is needed ifthe consignee is “TO ORDER”
通知方的电话号码 ( 当收货人为 TO ORDER,此项为必填)
Will the violations in the Manifest Fling bepunished?
Penalty ordinance have been established by theCustoms with regard to the violations in manifest filing. Name of ordinance is"The Implementation Ordinance of Administrative Penalty of the Customs ofthe People's Republic of China", which was issued and became effective in2004.
对于舱单申报中违规的行为,海关已经制定了处罚条例。条例名称为《中华人民共和国海关行政处罚实施条例》,此条例于 2004 年发布并生效。
Does the procedure lead to the disclosure of theclients’ information?
The procedure of new manifest adjustment does notlead to the disclosure of clients’ business sensitive information.
Sensitive data items added to the manifest (exceptfor the name of the consignee) shall not be shown on the bill of lading issuedby the carrier. After the manifest is sent to the customs, the customs staffmust protect the trade secrets and secrets relevant to customs work inaccordance with the law.
承运人签发的提单并不会显示这些新增至舱单的敏感数据项 (收货人名称除外)。舱单发送至海关后,海关工作人员依法须保护商业秘密和海关工作秘密。
In order to make sure the goods go through customssmoothly, please pay attention to the registration of new manifest, and keepthe goods from being detained!
The above information is from the generaladministration of customs of China. Please read it for old and new customers ofRUX and cooperate with us to complete customs declaration.
RUX Introduction:
Shenzhen Runxiang Telecommunication Technology Co.,Ltd, established in Jan 2008, is located in Longgang District,Shen zhenCity. RUX is a high-tech company specialized in research, development, production and sales of fiber communication products.
Since the establishment, we have been praised byour customers and partners because of our integrity operation and excellent quality products. Currently, RUX has advanced production and test equipment for various kinds of fiber cable, including SZ stranded outdoor fiber cable,central tube fiber cable, all dielectric self-supporting ADSS cable, tow-type drop cable,heating cable and fiber patch cord.
RUX’s products are exporting to America,European,Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific states . The company adheres to the business philosophy of "integrity management as the basic,attractive quality and standardized management as guarantee, contributes for the improvement of the industry and society” RUX always provide you nice quality products and good service, sincerely hope to be your loyal friend and ideal partner.
Shenzhen Runxiang TelecommunicationTechnology Co., Ltd, established in Jan 2008, is located in Longgang District,Shenzhen City. RUX is a high-techcompany specialized in research, development, production and sales of fibercommunication products.